First: The reaperish statue is awesome. It looks really nice in its all grey glory. The Voldemort minifigure is also pretty great, but that's pretty much where it ends.
Sure, it's nice that there's a wide range of minifigures in the set – eg. almost all kinds of legs are present – and it should be applauded that the sticker count sums up to just two, but fully built, the set just doesn't make for such a good impression.
The main play feature, that Voldemort can be hidden in the grave and arisen by pressing the front grey plate, that doesn't work at all when Voldemort is wielding his wand. Even without the wand the plate on top doesn't fully close.
The set is mostly a great looking stone grave with a bunch of sand yellow/dark tan plates thrown in front of it. It does present some suprisingly "advanced" techniques, but the sum of it all is not just that great.